Islamic love solution 


Dua to make someone love you

Are you searching the most powerful and right way to make your partner fall in love with you.

 Then here is the best way Dua to make someone love you

Islamic love solution  presents – 

This dua will help you to make your partner you love fall in love with you deeply and madly . 

This dua will help you to make your partner fall in love and marry you .

If you are struggling for your love but still not finding a solution . 

Then you have reached a right place as  I am sharing the best dua for those who struggle in there love life .

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Benefits of reading Dua , Surah and Wazifa –

All these 3 are the most powerful ways in Islam and a right ways to get solution for your problems –

    • These helps you to seek blessings from Allah .
    • It will help you to reunite your love .
    • Helps you to get rid of all problems .
    • Helps you to have a happy and a successful life .
    • Helps you to find best and suitable partner for you .
    • Helps you to marry a person you love .
    • Helps you to get rid of pains .

Dua to make someone love you back

If you had a breakup or your love left you because of misunderstanding and problems between you both then this dua to make someone love you back is for you it will help you to bring your lover back and helps you both to reunite no matter what situation you both are facing but this dua will give you out 100 % results and helps you both have a happy relationship .

If you are struggling to find a best partner for you and you need to consult with a expert then feel free to consult Molana ji any time . He will provide best consultance and also provides you with best and effective Quranic solution for you problems .

Here is steps to perform dua to make someone love you back –

    1. First, make a fresh ablution and wear clean clothes.
    2. Recite Durood Ibrahim to start the dua to make him fall in love.
    3. Next, you have to read (Surah An-Nahl, verse no. 18) 101 times.
    4. After that, again recite Durood Ibrahim.
    5. In the last step, ask Allah to make him fall in love with you

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Dua to make someone love you back

Dua to make someone love you and marry you

The dua I am sharing with you is the most demanding dua as it will help you to make your partner love you and marry you and you both will share a strong bond and also helps you seek blessings from Allah SWT . Loving someone and getting same love back is very important factor in every relationship and if you think the person you love is loosing interest in you then this dua id best to create the pure feeling in the person heart you love and make them fall in love madly and deeply.

In case you feel any problem in performing this dua or you have any question you can freely contact Molana ji for answers to your questions and solutions to your problems .

Here are the steps to make someone fall in love and marry you : 

    • Make an ablution before performing the dua or wazifa to make someone madly in love with you. 

    • Say the 11 times of Durood E-Inaam. 

    • After that, read the 23rd chapter of the Quran.

    • Say the first five lines of Surah Al-Muminun five times. 

    • Finally, ask Allah, the Almighty, to grant your dream for real love to come into your life.

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Dua to make someone love you and marry you

Dua to make someone fall in love

If you are not getting same efforts and love from your partner side in your relationship . Then you should recite this dua to make someone fall in love . This dua is very powerful and effective it is practiced by the people since many years to get there ex- lovers back in there life . Getting your lost love back in your life brings your happiness back . So don’t struggle for your love anymore this dua will help you to get your love back in your life .

Dua to Make Someone Fall in Love With You Step By Step-

    • First of all, Do a shower before starting .

    • Then recite “Subhanaka La Ilaha Illa anta Ya Rabba Kulli Shai In wa Waris hoo waa” 15 time with Surah Fatiha.

    • After that again, recite Durood Sharif eleven times.

    • In the end, blow on any sweet and give that food to that person you want to fall in love with you.

    • Insha Allah, soon they will start loving you.

    • You can also repeat the same process if the results are slow.

Some Important points to be kept in mind while performing dua –

    • Perform wudu before starting the dua .

    • Always wear clean clothes while sitting for dua.

    • Womens should not perform dua during there mensuration cycle .

    • Don’t spread hate and always keep your intentions good .

Is it possible to marry someone by the help of dua –

Yes !! dua helps you to find the best and suitable partner for you to get marry and also dua helps you to get marry the person you love and also have a happy married life ahead . The Dua is a best way to seek blessings from ALLAH for your marriage .

Dua also helps you to find love of your life and also helps you to reunite from the love of your life . Dua’s are best and most effective tools of Islam and provides solution for every problem.


The dua to make someone love you and marry you is the most effective dua and all the dua’s mentioned above our one of the best solutions for your problems regarding love and marriage . This dua’s are practiced since ages and always gives out best and steady results .

If you feel any problem regarding dua for you want the best solution for all your problems feel free to contact Molana ji .


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