Dua for ex love back

Life is full of its ups and downs in relationships. Sometimes, despite all efforts put into it, the person we cannot live without leaves us behind. The heartbreak might be the toughest experience in life, more so to those who have once shared love and harmony. Such times call for resorting to one’s faith to … Read more

Dua for children’s love

Thus, we as a parent should try as much as possible to instill in our children love, care, and compassion. One of the most powerful tools that we have in our arsenal, according to Islam, is dua-the act of supplication or prayer. Through Dua for children’s love , we can seek Allah’s guidance and blessings … Read more

Best wazifa for love marriage

Love marriage may be a dream for many but at the same time, hurdles pop up in front of them in the shape of family resistance or social pressures or personal conflicts. However, under the Islamic faith, another medium to achieve divine intervention is through Best wazifa for love marriage, which refers to supplication or … Read more

Dua for Travelling and Safety on the Road

Dua for Travelling and Safety on the Road

Traveling has always been an important part of human life. Whether it is a business trip, visiting loved ones, or just discovering new places, every journey brings people excitement and risk as well. The Islamic book contains certain duas that can protect, guide, and give peace of mind to the traveler. These Dua for Travelling … Read more

Wazifa for love and attraction in Urdu

Wazifa for love and attraction in Urdu is an act of spiritual activity in Islam, believed to be a strong way of seeking grace from Allah for any aspect in one’s life, even love and attraction. It refers to specific Quranic verses or prayers recited specifically to receive guidance and intervention from Allah. Wazifas would … Read more

Dua for Forgiveness Find Peace and Clear Your Heart

Dua for Forgiveness Find Peace and Clear Your Heart

Seeking forgiveness in Islam is a process of purification of the heart, elevation of the soul, and bonding with Allah. After all, people are bound to err, but by going to Allah in Tawbah, we may find our way into it, renew our spirit, and rectify our path. With true repentance and supplication, we’ll recover … Read more

Powerful Dua for Exams Reduce Stress and Improve Focus

Dua for Success in Exam Results

This is especially so since exams do bring a lot of stress together with anxiety to both students and parents. At such times, seeking help and guidance from the Almighty Allah (SWT) as well as trying to pay attention and concentrate can be very soothing. Not only does making du’a (prayer) before and during the … Read more

Dua for first love

Often, the first love experience is a very emotional and life-changing journey. For many people, it marks that first time they truly feel love from their hearts towards another person. In Islam, love is believed to be a natural beautiful feeling after all, but with its responsibilities, boundaries, and guidance from Allah. The act of … Read more

Dua for Couples Love

dua for couple

Islam regards marriage as a blessed bond, one among the most outstanding relationships in a believer’s life. It is as if marriage is half of faith, and spouses should love, be tender, and have an understanding relationship. However, as with every other human bonding, marriages face problems. This is the strength of Dua for Couples … Read more

Benefits of Darood sharif

Benefits of Darood sharif

It refers to the giving of salutations unto the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. In Islam, it is considered an act having the most spiritual and practical value. It is one of the most powerful acts of devotion that brings several benefits into the life of a believer. There is so much to relate … Read more

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