Assalam alaikum to all my brother’s and sister’s . Today , I am sharing a dua for all the married couples this dua is specially for husband and wife relationship . This dua will help all the married couples to strengthen there bond of marriage and have a happy married life . This is best dua for husband wife relationship plays a very significant role in strengthening a married life .
Dua hold a very powerful and strong energies and also helps you to seek blessings from Allah . Dua is the best and halal way to make your married life full of love and happiness . The Dua for husband wife relationship has helped lot of married couples since ages in saving there marriage .
In some cases husband or wife do not listen to there partner’s or have a extra marital affairs in such conditions also this dua for couple helps a lot and increase love and feelings in your spouse heart for you .
Here are steps to perform best dua for husband wife relationship
- First, make wudu.
- Then, read Durood Sharif 11 times.
- Read Surah al-Ikhlas once.
- Recite “Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani” 434 times.
- Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to create love in your hubs and hearts for you.
You have to follow this method regularly for 17 days, inshallah.

Benefits of reciting dua for husband wife relationship –
- This dua helps married couples to strengthen bond of love .
- Dua helps to increase love and feelings .
- This is the most powerful dua .
- Dua helps to bring feelings in your spouse heart .
- Strengthen care and love bond between couples .
Dua for husband love
If your husband don’t love you and having extra marital affairs . So , Today i am sharing the most beautiful dua for husband love for everyone who is facing difficulty in there married life .
Here are the steps to perform Dua for husband love –
- Perform Wudu.
- Read 11 times Salawat and “Tasbeeh e Janab e Fatima.”
- Recite Chapter 25, Verse 74 of the Quran (Surah Al-Furqan) 234 times.
- Finally, pray to Allah SWT to make your husband love.
Follow this ritual daily for 12 days to create love in your husband’s heart for you.

If you are struggling to find love in someone’s heart this dua will help you to increase love in the heart of the person you love Dua for love .
The dua is the most effective dua and all the dua’s mentioned above our one of the best solutions for your problems regarding love and marriage . This dua’s are practiced since ages and always gives out best and steady results .If you feel any problem regarding dua for you want the best solution for all your problems feel free to contact Molana ji .
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