Asslam Alaikum , Today we will talk about the enchanting Dua To Attract Someone Towards You .It helps you to Attract you lover , your husband / wife , crush and also make them fall in love you .Many people want to attract their crush Orr lover towards them . But get unsuccessful but this Islamic way helps you to Attract Someone Towards You.
Follow the given steps carefully and regularly for 11 days and you will seen the results soon .If you feel any problem in understanding the dua or you need more guidance feel free to consult Molana ji directly on what’s app . He will help you and provide you with the best solutions .
Dua To Attract Someone Toward You
Here is the step by step process to perform Dua To Attract Someone Toward You –
- First of all, remember always to wear clean clothes when praying.
- Find a comfortable place away from distractions and make yourself a comfortable position.
- Then, put a picture of the person you want in front of your prayer mat.
- When praying, look at the photo and recite the verse “Iihum Ruksaar Nigham e Noor.”
- You must repeat it at least 101 times.

Do this surah for 11 days regularly and soon you’ll see the results. Inshaallah, you will notice the change in the person soon and that person will start attracting towards you .
A dua is a heartfelt supplication made to Allah, seeking His help, guidance, or blessings. If you wish to make a dua to attract someone toward you, it’s important to approach the matter with sincerity, pure intentions, and faith in Allah’s wisdom. Here is a brief paragraph on this topic:
In Islam, making dua to attract someone toward you should always be done with pure intentions and within the boundaries of what is halal (permissible). Begin your supplication by praising Allah and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Recite beautiful names of Allah, such as “Ya Wadud” (The Most Loving), and ask for His mercy and guidance. Say, “O Allah, if this person is good for me in this world and the Hereafter, bring their heart closer to mine and grant us love and understanding in a way that pleases You. If not, guide me to what is best for my life and faith.” Always trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing, knowing that He will grant what is best for you, even if it differs from your desires. Continue to seek His guidance with patience, trust, and unwavering faith.
Steps to perform Wazifa For Making Someone Attracted Towards You
- Take a bath and wear neat and clean clothes.
- Read Durood Sharif seven times.
- Now recite “Ya Wadudu Ya Raufu Ya Raheem” 333 times.
- Again read Durood Sharif seven times.
- In the end, Make dua to Almighty Allah (SWT) to make that person get attracted towards you.

Perform this wazifa for seven days regularly to see the steady results . Just have faith in Allah and Allah will help you to get the desired results. If you want your ex lover back perform a Surah to get love back .
A wazifa is a form of Islamic supplication or recitation of specific prayers and verses from the Quran, performed with the intention of seeking Allah’s blessings and assistance in a particular matter. If you are seeking a wazifa to make someone attracted to you, it is essential to approach this matter with sincerity and align your intentions with Islamic values. Here is a general guideline:
Wazifa for Attraction (Permissible Intentions Only)
- Start with Ablution (Wudu): Ensure you are in a state of physical and spiritual cleanliness before performing any wazifa.
- Pray Two Rakat Nafl Salah: Offer two units of voluntary prayer (nafl salah) with the intention of seeking Allah’s help and guidance.
- Recite Durood Sharif (Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ): Recite this at least 11 times before and after the wazifa:”Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammadin kama sallaita ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala aali Ibrahima innaka Hamidun Majid.”
- Recite Surah Al-Fatiha and Ayat Al-Kursi: Recite Surah Al-Fatiha (1:1-7) and Ayat Al-Kursi (2:255) with full concentration.
- Specific Dua/Wazifa: Recite the following verse 101 times:“Ya Wadud”
This is one of the names of Allah, meaning “The Most Loving.” It is often recited to seek love and harmony in relationships. - Make a Sincere Dua: After completing the wazifa, raise your hands and make a heartfelt dua. Ask Allah to make the person attracted to you only if it is good for both of you in this world and the Hereafter. Say:”O Allah, if this person is good for me, my faith, and my life, then make them attracted to me and bring us together in harmony. If not, guide me toward what is better for me. Ameen.”
- Be Patient: Perform this wazifa consistently for 7 or 11 days (depending on your intention), and trust in Allah’s timing. Do not force matters; leave the outcome to Allah.
Important Notes:
- Intentions Matter: Make sure your intentions are pure and in line with Islamic teachings. Do not use wazifas for manipulation or harm.
- Consent and Free Will: Islam emphasizes the importance of mutual consent and respect in relationships. Avoid seeking to attract someone who is already in a committed relationship or is not interested.
- Seek Halal Means: If your feelings are serious, consider discussing the matter with elders or pursuing the person through halal means like marriage.
- Trust in Allah: Remember that everything happens according to Allah’s will, and He knows what is best for you.
Precautions should be taken while performing dua and wazifa
1. Have good intentions while performing surah .
2. Women should not perform surah during their menstruation period.
3. Keep yourself clean and also keep the surroundings clean.
These dua is very powerful and effective and has been practiced since ages. This dua helped lot of people’s in strengthening there relationship. If you want to consult about your relationship or you feel any problem in reciting the dua feel free to contact Molana ji . He is 24*7 available to listen your problems and provide you best solution with the guidance of Allah .