Assalam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters. Today I am sharing the best and most demanded Islamic wazifa for love . Loving someone is very special and very beautiful feeling to strengthen your relationship and increasing love between you and your partner. One should perform this Wazifa with full faith and dedication . If you want love from your partner and want a happied married life perform a dua for happy marriage .
Islamic Wazifa for love is the most effective Wazifa and the most powerful Wazifa . if you want immediate help from Allah recite dua to get immediate help from Allah.
How Wazifa for love works ?
- It helps you to get rid of problems and help you to strengthen your love relationships.
- It is powerful and helps you to make person you love . Loves you back .
- It helps to increase love in person heart you love .
- Loving someone is most beautiful feeling but getting breakup from the person you love is most painful. This Wazifa will help you to save your love relationship.
Wazifa for Love Back Step by Step:
- Firstly , Start by reciting Durood e Ibrahimi 7 Martaba.
- Secondly , Recite Surah Yaseen [36:57] Eleven Times Given below.
- Then on a white piece of paper . Please write down the name of your lover that you want to bring back and put it in front of you.
- Now in the memory of Allah Tallah, recite “subḥaan-allaahi wa biḥamdihi wa subḥaan-allaahil-‛aẓeem“ 101 times.
- At last ,Take that piece of paper and put it underneath your pillow. Sleep with it for three days.
- Surah Yaseen [36:57]- “Lahum feehaa faakiha tunw-wa lahum maa yadda’oon”
- English Translation– “Every moment will be a joy for them. They will have whatever they ask.”

Importance of Wazifa–
Wazifa helps you to get a happy and lovely relationship. It also helps you to make the person you love fall in love with you .
Wazifa gives strength to the love relationships and increase love bonds . If you and your partner is facing conflict between you and your partner. This Wazifa will help you to solve all misunderstandings and conflicts between you and your Partner.
Benefits of reading Dua , Surah and Wazifa –
All these 3 are the most powerful ways in Islam and a right ways to get solution for your problems –
- These helps you to seek blessings from Allah .
- It will help you to reunite your love .
- Helps you to get rid of all problems .
- Helps you to have a happy and a successful life .
- Helps you to find best and suitable partner for you .
- Helps you to marry a person you love .
- Helps you to get rid of pains .
Some Important points to be kept in mind while performing dua –
1. Perform wudu before starting the dua .
2. Always wear clean clothes while sitting for dua.
3. Women’s should not perform dua during there mensuration cycle .
4. Don’t spread hate and always keep your intentions good .
Conclusion –
If you feel any problem in performing the above mentioned wazifa and surah . Then you should contact molana ji on whats app for better assistance and to get best solution for your problems .
Also read-
- Dua for Immediate Marriage Proposal
- Dua for getting marriage proposal
- Dua for marriage in Islam
- Istikhara dua for marriage
- Powerful 5 dua for marriage
All these dua mentioned above are related to different marital issues , these will help you to solve all marriage related problems you are facing.