If you are struggling in getting married and have tried a lot for your marriage . But still not got any solution for fixing the problem you face in getting married . Everyone want to find best partner for themselves . But due to some problems they face lot of problems in there life . So, today i am sharing the best wazifa for getting married to someone you love . This wazifa will help you to marry the person you love and also help you in finding the best partner for you .
In case your parents are not agree for the marriage , but you want to get married to person you love . Then you should recite a Dua for parents approval for love marriage . This dua will help you to make your parents agree for your love marriage . This is very powerful dua and helped lot of youngsters in getting married with person you love .
You should read the article carefully and recite all the dua’s step by step and if you feel any problem in reciting dua or you want to ask anything for your problems . You can consult Molana ji on whats app and get best guidance and solution for your problems .
If you are struggling to find love in someone’s heart this dua will help you to increase love in the heart of the person you love Dua for love .
Wazifa for getting married to someone you love –
- First, read Durood Sharif 11 times.
- Recite Surah al-Baqarah twice.
- Recite “AL-MUBDI” 435 times.
- Again, read Durood Sharif.
- Pray to Allah SWT to marry the person you love or want.
Follow these steps daily for 16 days after every Salah. Inshallah, you will successfully get marry to the person you want in your life.

Dua for love marriage
This Dua for love marriage is specially for those who have there choice and find a suitable partner for them . This dua will help you to get marry to whom you love . This is practice since ages and help lot of people to get marry .
If you feel any problem or have any question feel free to contact Molana ji on what’s app or comment below your question . What should you do? Recite this dua five times every day. Or keep reading it for 40 days or until you get marry.
Here are steps to perform dua for love marriage –
- Firstly , Make Wudu.
- Secondly , Pray the five daily prayers.
- Start reading with Bismillah.
- Read Durood Pak before and after reading the surah.
- Give out Sadaqah before you start reading surah Mumtahina for marriage.
- Ask Allah to help you get marry and find the right person.

If you want love from your partner and want a happied married life perform a dua for happy marriage .
These above mentioned dua’s and wazifa’s are very powerful and effective and all are practice since ages. This dua will help in various issues regarding marriage and help you solve them . If you feel any problem in performing or understanding the dua feel free to contact molana ji on what’s app .
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