The Powerful Islamic Prayer To Get My Ex Back

If you love someone but he / she has left you but you are not able to move on and you want them back in your life . Then Today , I am sharing the best prayer Dua to get your ex back . This dua is very powerful and effective and helped lot of people to get there love back in life . Loving some is most beautiful feeling but pain of sepration from your lover is life taking . So, to get rid of all the pain and to happy relationship with your ex recite the below mentioned dua properly as mentioned .

If you feel any problem in performing this dua you can contact molana ji anytime . If you want to get married to the person you love or you want to get married soon then you should recite the dua to get married soon . This dua will help you to solve all the conflicts you were facing in your marriage and will help you to have a happy married life a head . If you want to  move on in your love life and want to free all the pains you are facing then you should recite the dua for heartbreak . It will help you to move on in life and get a better partner .

Guidance before performing the prayer to get my ex love back

  1. Keep yourself and your surroundings clean before you perform the dua .
  2. Have full trust and faith in Allah Swt .
  3. Think about your partner with full dedication and pure heart .
  4. keep you intentions good and pure while performing the dua .
  5. Always keep Quran Sharif near you while performing the dua .

Importance of Dua to get ex love back

Dua, or supplication in Islam, is a powerful act of worship that allows believers to communicate directly with Allah. When it comes to using Dua to get an ex-love back, the situation should be approached with sincerity, faith, and the right intentions. Here are some key points about the importance and role of Dua in this context:

1. Trust in Allah’s Plan

  • Tawakkul (trust in Allah): It’s essential to remember that while making Dua for an ex-love to return, one must trust Allah’s wisdom and plan. Sometimes what we desire may not be what is best for us, and Allah knows what is truly beneficial.
  • Acceptance of Qadr (destiny): One should accept that Allah has control over all matters, including relationships, and has a plan for each individual. Sometimes, a breakup might be a part of this larger plan for personal growth or to avoid harm.

2. Purity of Intentions

  • Dua should be made with pure intentions. Seeking reconciliation should be based on healthy motives like love, respect, and wanting to build a righteous and committed relationship. If one’s intentions are selfish or harmful, the effectiveness of the Dua may be compromised.

3. Patience and Perseverance (Sabr)

  • Sabr (patience) is key. Duas are not always answered immediately, and sometimes the answer may come in a different form than expected. Showing patience and perseverance in making Dua reflects sincerity and trust in Allah.

4. Self-Improvement

  • While making Dua, it’s important to reflect on one’s own actions and character. Seeking to better oneself during this period can positively impact the relationship. Sometimes, improving oneself might be the key to attracting the love and respect needed for reconciliation.

5. Contentment with the Outcome

  • It’s important to be content with whatever outcome Allah decrees. If the person does not come back, it could be that Allah is protecting you from something harmful or has someone better suited for you in the future.

6. Reciting Specific Duas

  • While there are no guaranteed formulas for Duas to get an ex back, some believers turn to general Duas that ask for Allah’s guidance and help in mending relationships. Duas such as:
    • “Ya Allah, if this person is good for me in this life and the Hereafter, bring them back into my life, and if they are not, distance them from me and grant me peace.”
    • Surah Al-Fatiha and other short Duas can also be recited, focusing on seeking what is best in both worlds.

7. Istikhara (Seeking Guidance from Allah)

  • Salat al-Istikhara is a prayer in which a person seeks guidance from Allah when making a decision. Performing Istikhara can help in seeking clarity on whether reuniting with an ex is beneficial.
  1. First You do Wudu, make a fresh ablution.
  2. Sit in an alone place where no one can disturb you.
  3. Recite Durood Shareef 22 times
  4. Now Recite Surah Al-‘Imran (3:31): 11 times.
  5. Recite dua Qul in kuntum tuhibboonal laaha fattabi’ oonee yuhbibkumul laahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum; wallaahu Ghafoorur Raheem.
dua for love back
dua to get ex love back

You should perform the above mentioned dua with full intentions and do it regularly without skipping in between . * Women’s should not perform dua during there mensuration period * .

Surah for love

The surah for love back will help you to solve all your problems and misunderstanding you face in your love life and will help you to help a happy marriage life .

Here are steps to perform surah for love back  –

  1. Firstly , Recite this Surah for love back after Zuhar (Duhr) Noon Prayer.
  2. First, Take a shower and clean yourself. (Wuzu)
  3. After that, Start Reciting Surah Ya-Sin Verse (53) eleven times.
  4. Now, you will recite Durood Sharif eleven times.
  5. Finally, imagine your love and pray to Allah Almighty for your love back.
Surah for love
Surah for love


These above mentioned Dua are very powerful and effective and all are practiced since ages. This dua will help in various issues regarding marriage and help you solve them . If you feel any problem in performing or understanding the dua feel free to contact Molana ji on what’s app .

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