Best Astro Site

Align your stars with the precise astrological predictions with our free daily horoscope predictions, astronomical calenders and Hindu and islamic auspicious timings to choose your own adventure by Best Astro Site .We also provide premium services like personalized stars reading and astrological consulting. If you are struggling to find love in someone’s heart this dua … Read more

Astrology and Islam

Astrology has, for at least thousands of years, functioned so far as its terminology is concerned with the explanation of positions and movements of celestial bodies as influencing human affairs and natural phenomena. Traditionally, in many cultures, it was used to predict events, guide decisions, or gain insight into personal lives. Conversely, in the Islamic … Read more

Muslim Astrology

The Muslim astrology  is the practice of astrology within Islamic culture. The astrology includes future predictions , Dua’s , Wazifa , horoscopes, Isthikara etc. This includes science, religion, philosophy and spirituality and Islamic traditions . Dua , Wazifa and surah plays significant roles in Islamic tradition. It helps to seek blessings from Allah SWT and … Read more

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