Assalam Alaikum , Today we will talk about the husband and wife relationship. If your wife has left you due to fight or misunderstanding don’t be upset just have faith in Allah and perform wazifa to bring wife back home .
This wazifa helps you to increase love for you in your wife’s heart and bring your wife closer to you. If you have a tried a lot to fix your relationship problems but not getting any positive results. If you are struggling to find love in someone’s heart this dua will help you to increase love in the heart of the person you love Dua for love .
So, give chance to the wazifa to get your wife back . It helps you to solve your fights and bring your wife back to you . If you want dua for member you lost to get him peace recite dua for dead person.
Here is wazifa To Get Wife Back In The Following Steps:
- First of all, Recite Surah Yasin seven times.
- Then recite Surah An-Nisa 7 times .
- After that, make a wazifa to Almighty Allah to bring your wife back into your life.
- Perform this method for 21 days continuously .

Inshaallah, you will get your wife back within 21 days . Have faith in Allah and pray with good intentions.
If you want to have a happy married life perform a wazifa For Happy Married Life.
Things you need for Wazifa To Bring Wife Back:
- A clean place to perform Dua.
- Wudu or ablution.
- Chose a quiet place where no one will disturb you during Dua.
- You should focus on your Dua and believe that Allah will answer your Dua.
- Have patience and do not give up.
What is Surah To Bring Wife Back Home ?
It is very powerful and effective surah to increase love between the couple and bring them closer to each other.
If your wife left you do to any reason or she is not interested in you this surah helps you to bring your wife back to you .If you are wife and want your husband back then perform for a Surah To Get Your Husband Back.
These above mentioned dua , surah and wazifa are very powerful and effective and all are practiced since ages. This dua will help in various issues regarding couples and help you solve them . If you feel any problem in performing or understanding the dua feel free to contact molana ji on what’s app .